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「長面」きえた故郷 NAGATSURA Home Without Land
Ishinomaki Screenings 石巻上映会写真集
March 22, 2013 Yugakukan Kanan Hall, Ishinomaki (遊楽館カナンホール)
June, 2013 Big Bang Cultural Exchange Hall, Ishinomaki (ビッグバン文化交流ホール)
Nagatsura 長面
Two months after the disaster (at the time of filming) - Nagatsura 震災2カ月後撮影時の長面
A car tossed around as rubble by the tsunami in Nagatsura (2months later at the time of filming) 津波によって瓦礫と化した自家用車ー震災2カ月後撮影時
Relaxing moment at Yuko's house 福田祐子氏宅で寛ぐモガール和子氏、石原牧子監督
Nagatsura 長面
Two months after the disaster (at the time of filming) - Nagatsura 震災2カ月後撮影時の長面
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